
Really thanks for your sharing, all your articles are so useful for me!

Do you know the platform Clearbit, Can it be categorized as a CDP platform?

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Thank you for this great post, again!

About « I am always recommending cloud-mode », we do not always recommending cloud-mode (Server) only, but sometimes both device-mode and cloud-mode (Browser+Server) when the vendor is « smart » enough and can manage in particular events deduplication. This is the case for Meta for example, given the Meta Pixel sends strong signals (but this may change in the future).

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Hey Mathieu!

100% agree for the Meta pixel. Worth mentioning indeed!

Also, this requires to be thoughtful and to anticipate what destination will be used use when creating the tracking plan. For instance, the 'event_id' property will be required by Meta for deduplication between pixel and CAPI.

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About "Server-Side only": I've been using it for tools like Customer.io and Amplitude. Works like a charm!

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